Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hebrew Dream

Here's a little background to aid in understanding the beginning part of my dream:
     I worked five years as a helpdesk technician, while studying at Penn State University. My boss, shall we call him Ryan, was a great mentor and friend, and I still have a lot of respect for him today. As a tech, I was in charge of fixing anything technological (Computers, Projectors, TVs, Audio Equip..), as well as running wires to hook up technology. As a note: There were many times, I needed a ladder to fix hanging projectors and run wires.

Now the dream:
     I'm back at Penn State, and I'm helping out Ryan part-time. It's mid-day/afternoon, and I'm walking through a building towards the nearest elevator. I'm carrying a ladder on my right shoulder, with my arm looped through one of the openings between the steps. I'm wearing blue jeans and a collared t-shirt. I do not remember what color the shirt was.

     As I'm walking through the building, there's a silence, and I feel alone (Not in a bad way, just no one is here). Before I get to the elevator, I pull out my cellphone and call Ryan to let him know where I'm at. We talk on the phone for an unknown period of time. I don't remember the conversation other than, "Hey Ryan, I'm over at ___ building and heading up to work on ____." I have no clue what the blanks are, but during the conversation were laughing.

     A few moments later, I hang up the phone and enter the elevator. As I stare off waiting for the door to close, a young woman (23-24) enters into the elevator, and then walks back out. Not focusing on anything, I was unable to see her face. From behind, I noticed she had dark-brown, shoulder-length hair, and her right hand was holding a soft square lunchbox in the shade of a dim orange color. She wore a dark purple, floppy dress shirt, and I think she had dark jeans on.

     As she disappears out of the elevator, the room outside transforms from a quiet empty feeling to a busy conversational feeling (Like there are many people talking). I didn't look outside to verify, but as the elevator door was beginning to close again, she came back into the elevator with the lunchbox. While conversing with someone outside the elevator, she turns around quick to face the elevator door and walks back out into the open room. I still didn't get a chance to look at her face. Soon, I begin to laugh because the whole scene was hilarious (Not to mention the elevator door spazing out because of her tripping the sensors).

     Instead of waiting for the elevator door to close, I put my right hand on the door and waited for her to come back in. A few moments later, she walks back in without the lunchbox and has a cute smile on her face. Her eyes were rounded, and she had a joyful/content expression on her face (Reminds me of the anime expressions of joy on women). She was light skinned (Caucasian or very light tanned.. Remember I'm in an elevator, so lighting is not that great).

Anyways, I laugh and say, "Hi. Welcome back".
She smiles and says, "Hi."

      The elevator door shuts, and we begin to ascend to the next few floors.

She asks me: "Do you work here?"
I say: "Yeah. I'm working part-time. I'm helping Ryan because he's short on staff."

     I don't remember how much time after that first conversation, but a thought was running through my head saying "She's really cute. I should ask her out on a date." It didn't take me long after that thought.

I playfully ask: "Hey, what are you doing next week?"
She replies: "Nothing that I know of."
I ask: "Would you like to go to dinner with me sometime next week?"
She smiles and says: "Sure."  

    We arrive at our floor and both get off. She pulls out a small post-it notepad (I have no clue where she got it), writes down her name and phone number, then hands me the note. I smile at her, and she walks off content; pushing a swinging door open and disappearing through its entrance (I'm assuming it was a restroom).

    As she disappears, I look down at the note and read her name. "Dimona", I say out loud. "What an interesting name." I look at her phone number. "717-652...." As I was taking in her number, I realize that I didn't look at her last name. Looking up towards where her name was, the words get blurry and unfortunately, that's when I wake up.

Cheers to you friends...